Extinction Rebellion Natalie Acreman in the flesh

Natalie Acreman, leader of “Extinction Rebellion Students and Youth Victoria” and organiser of the protests in Melbourne last Friday night, is a revolutionary Marxist who wants to violently overthrow the government and implement a totalitarian socialist state.

Natalie Acreman
Natalie Acreman of Socialist Alternative. There’s a lot of her to love.

On Friday night, the “Extinction Rebellion” group attempted to disrupt central Melbourne and cause chaos for the football fans who had swarmed into the city centre for the qualifying final between Geelong and Collingwood.

The protests kicked off at the State Library and involved disruptions and traffic stoppages at several locations around the Melbourne CBD. As usual, Victoria Police seemed content in their role of helping to facilitate these pests rather than doing anything about them.

The organiser was a woman by the name of Natalie Acreman. She told 3AW’s Neil Mitchell: “There are a few things, I think, that are a bit more important than being ten minutes late to wherever you’re going… we want to be the most disruptive possible.”

Natalie Acreman told the Herald Sun that she hadn’t planned for the protest to happen at the same time as one of the biggest football games of the year, putting the timing down to a “beautiful coincidence”. In the same interview, Acreman went on to say, ”Extraordinary times call for extraordinary messages… the world is on fire and we need real action now… people will be frustrated to be late, but I’d be more frustrated not to have a planet to live on.”

Acreman even told The Age that she was ready and willing to be arrested for her beliefs. She told Channel 7 news that the event would consist of “rolling protests” at secret locations.

None of these outlets bothered to point out that Natalie Acreman is a member of Socialist Alternative, the revolutionary Marxist group that wants to violently overthrow the government and replace it with a totalitarian socialist state.

Y’know, I think that point may have been slightly relevant. Don’t you?

I know that if right-wing Melbourne identity Neil Erikson had been holding a rally in in the CBD in favour of fluffy puppies, these news outlets would never have described him as a “fluffy puppy advocate”; so why do they continuously ignore the far more extreme beliefs of people who are illegally causing disruption in cities across Australia?

Aside from her well known presence in Melbourne’s left-wing extremist circles, Acreman has been a perpetual candidate and an almost constant presence around the RMIT University Student Union (RUSU) for many years. She is a known associate of other RMIT-linked Socialist Alternative activists such as Liam Parry, Madeliene Hah (recently spotted being humiliated by Avi Yemini), Jeremy Gibson, Chris Giddings and Nahui Jimenez.

She even stood for RMIT Queer Officer in the student elections last year on a joint ticket with Socialist Alternative organiser and “Safe Schools” program founder Roz Ward.

RMIT Socialist Alternative
Natalie Acreman (middle row, second from the right, as if you could miss her) at the Marxism2019 event this year wearing a t-shirt that says “Marxism” in capital letters and surrounded by prominent Melbourne Marxists including safe schools founder Roz Ward. Not a single Australian journalist picked up on this.

Yet journalists able to find the most obscure decade-old Facebook post to discredit a first-time One Nation candidate seem utterly unable to recognise that the woman openly calling for mass lawbreaking to shut down the centre of Australia’s second-largest city is an activist with Australia’s largest violent political extremist group.

In light of the fact that the same extremist group is planning the largest riot Melbourne has seen for two decades in late October, one would hope they can pick up their game before then. Sadly, their past record doesn’t leave much room for optimism.

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