
“Uni students for climate justice” a front group for the extremist Socialist Alternative are organising a series of protests to yet again disrupt traffic and shut down city centres in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide this Friday August 9th. They aim to do this by using their connections and elected positions within the National Union of Students to lead a mass walkout by university students at ANU, The University of Canberra, Melbourne University, RMIT University, The University of Wollongong, The University of Queensland, QUT, UWA, Curtin and others.

Socialist Alternative signage at an Adelaide “Uni students for climate justice” event.

The demands of the protest call for stopping the new Adani mine, for no new coal or gas mines or power stations to be opened and for a 100% transition to renewable energy in order to meet the “existential threat to humanity” posed by global warming.

Socialist Alternative signage at a Brisbane “Uni students for climate justice” event.

As previously revealed by The Unshackled since they were founded in March of this year the “Uni students for climate justice” have operated as a front group for the revolutionary Marxist organisation Socialist Alternative. The Socialist Alternative group is an extremist organisation that wishes to overthrow the Australian government and institute a totalitarian socialist state in the mould of the early Soviet Union. Every spokesperson and most of the speakers for the “Uni students for climate justice” events have been members of Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alternative branded banners, flags and newspapers have been prominent at all rallies.

The same Socialist Alternative signage at a different “Uni students for climate justice” event in Brisbane.

Of course nearly all the media has ignored this fact, but then again the mainstream media does tend to do that.

Socialist Alternative organiser Carl Jackson speaks at a Brisbane Uni students for climate justice event.

“Uni Students for climate justice” hope to use the momentum generated by the smaller yet far better known “Extinction Rebellion” group to help aid them in growing the anti Adani and “climate justice” protests into a larger movement which they can use to gain leverage, influence and (most importantly) new recruits.

Lily Campbell of Socialist Alternative addresses the Socialist Alternative front group "Uni students for climate justice".
Socialist Alternative organiser Lily Campbell speaks at a Sydney “Uni students for climate justice” event.

The have been able to make alliances with more mainstream left wing forces such as the Australian Greens and the youth wing of the ALP at least partly because the media has consistently failed to point out their true extremist nature.

Socialist Alternative front speaker Priya De.
Priya De of Socialist Alternative Queensland (who famously doesn’t like Australia much) travelled to Canberra to speak at this “Uni students for climate justice” event.

It really isn’t hard. They’re the people holding the red flags, waving the “Socialist Alternative” branded banners and writing articles on the Socialist Alternative website under their real names whilst promoting Socialist Alternative events on Social media. Socialist Alternative in the first sentence of their publicly available statement of principles declares: “We are a revolutionary Marxist organisation”. There is no room for subtlety here. To not point out the extremist nature of the organisers of these protests is to be complicit in advancing the wider aims of this violent extremist organisation.

Harvey Menadue speaks for socialist alternative front group.
Harvey Menadue of Adelaide Socialist Alternative speaks at another “Uni students for climate justice” event

The mainstream media should hang their heads in shame. But of course they won’t. Judging by how they’ve covered protests organised by Socialist Alternative these past few years they pretty clearly don’t have any shame.

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