Last Friday night ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury spoke at a meeting organised by two Socialist Alternative activists with a history of violent protest. Rattenbury spoke at a Canberra protest organised by “Uni Students for Climate Justice” the same group that was simultaneously shutting down central Brisbane under the direction of Socialist Alternative activist Catherine Robertson. The protest in our nation’s capital was also organised by Socialist Alternative activists, in this case Grace Hill and Priya De.

Grace Hill Socialist Alternative activist speaking in Canberra on Friday night.

Grace Hill first rose to prominence in left wing extremist circles at Adelaide’s Flinders University where she was president of the Student Association. Hill was the co-organiser of a mob attack on the electorate office of then Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi in 2016. In that incident dozens of protesters led by Hill vandalised the office, trashing furniture, walls and exterior railings while Bernardi’s wife and staffers hid in fear in a back room. When censured for the attack Hill stated that those who were criticising her actions were “Laughable” and that the vandals she led were simply “exercising free speech”.

Protesters led by Socialist Alternative activist Grace Hill trash Senator Cory Bernardi’s electorate office while his wife and staff hide in a back room.

In 2015 Hill was responsible for organising against a proposed Climate research centre at Flinders University associated with noted Danish academic Bjorn Lomborg because it would be “a climate change denial centre” full of “right wing junk”. Also in 2015 Hill was responsible for organising groups of left wing extremists to attempt to disrupt Reclaim Australia rallies in Adelaide.

Socialist Alternative activist Grace Hill marching under red flags.

Also speaking and involved in the organisation of the event was prominent Socialist Alternative organiser Priya De. Priya along with Socialist Alternative organiser Carl Jackson led an invasion of a Southbank hotel in Brisbane by masked leftist thugs in an attempt to shut down the One Nation AGM in 2017.

Masked protesters organised by Priya De of Socialist Alternative attempt to storm One Nation AGM in Brisbane.

This year Ms De led the successful campaign to stop the Ramsay centre from funding a degree in Western Civilisation at the University of Queensland declaring that any degree that showed Western civilisation in a positive light was “racist”. Priya also spoke at the Socialist Alternative annual conference in Melbourne this year Marxism2019 where she addressed a packed crowd about the “Myth of White victimhood”.

Socialist Alternative activist Priya De rugs up against the cold while protesting Global Warming in chilly Canberra last Friday night.

Considering that Socialist Alternative is a revolutionary Trotskyist group that wants to overthrow the government and implement a totalitarian socialist state you would think that the leader of the ACT Greens might have felt a bit shy about showing up to an event organised by them let alone speaking at it. But we all know the former Speaker of the ACT Legislative Assembly has nothing to worry about. While Right wing politicians in this country have been condemned by the media for even being in the same street as activists that the left considers beyond the pale left wing pollies can freely associate with and support whatever violent, thuggish left wing extremists they like. They know damn well that their friends in the newsrooms of Australia will never call them out on it.

ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury speaking at a Marxist organised event alongside Socialist Alternative activists.

It needs to be reiterated that Socialist Alternative is the largest, best-organised and most violent political extremist group active in Australia today. This is a group that actively and openly hates Australia and wants to see our country in its current form destroyed. One of their more prominent theorists and leaders Tom Bramble who taught Industrial Relations at the University of Queensland for many years has declared that every time he sees the Australian flag it makes him want to puke.

More mainstream leftist politicians are allowed to associate with these Australia hating extremists because the media keeps it quiet. It’s time to stop being quiet. These people want to destroy your country and most Australians are completely oblivious to how strong they’re getting. It’s up to us to spread the word.

Author Details
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
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