Planned Antifa riot has Yarra Council support

Marxist extremists planning to recreate the largest riot Melbourne has seen in 20 years have received endorsement from an inner-city Melbourne council.
Last month on the evening of the 13th of August, Yarra Council unanimously passed a motion to support a planned riot organised by the revolutionary Marxist group Socialist Alternative.
The motion was that the council note its support for the proposed blockade of the International Mining And Resources Conference (IMARC) which is to be held at the Melbourne convention and exhibition centre from the 28th to the 31st of October.
As previously reported by The Unshackled, the main group behind the “Shut Down IMARC Alliance” (renamed “Blockade IMARC” for legal reasons) is Socialist Alternative. Socialist Alternative is a revolutionary Marxist organisation in the Trotskyist tradition, whose ultimate aim is to overthrow the government and implement a totalitarian socialist state. Currently, the only public spokeswoman for the Blockade IMARC group is Sarah Garnham, a very well-known Socialist Alternative activist who has acted as an organiser and recruiter for the extremist group in both Victoria and NSW.

Garnham has publicly proclaimed in the Herald Sun, the Green Left Weekly and the Socialist Alternative magazine Red Flag that the aim of the blockade is to recreate the S11 riots that occurred in Melbourne in September 2000, but this time “for climate”. During those riots, thousands of leftists led by members of the Socialist Party (including future councillor Stephen Jolly), the International Socialist Organisation, the Democratic Socialist Party and Socialist Alternative surrounded Crown Casino and attacked police, paramedics and the premier of Western Australia in an orgy of vandalism, thuggery and urine-filled balloons.
The motion supporting the planned blockade was proposed to Yarra Council by (alleged socialist sex pest) Councillor Stephen Jolly and his fellow Marxist Councillor, Bridgid O’Brien. Before being recently elected to fill a vacancy, O’Brien had been an activist with Jolly’s longtime Trotskyist group the “Socialist Party”, joining as far back as 2013. The vote was passed unanimously by the other councillors, all of whom are Labor, Greens or independents.

Social media posts from members of Socialist Alternative and other extremist groups indicate that they are now attempting to get a similar motion of support passed by Moreland council. Moreland is another inner-northern Melbourne council, famous for not simply denouncing Australia Day, but for Councillor Sue Bolton of the Socialist Alliance who compared celebrating Australia Day to celebrating the Holocaust.
The unanimous support of a Melbourne local council for an extremist group planning the largest riot in the city in two decades has gone entirely unreported in the media, which is unsurprising. The continued deliberate blindness of the Australian Fourth Estate when it comes to the issue of its violent left-wing extremist friends is now the expectation rather than the exception.