Andrew Bolt named the Marxists who rioted outside IMARC

Andrew Bolt has pointed out the obvious fact nearly every other journalist in Australia has ignored: that the organisers of the IMARC riots, which have blighted Melbourne this week, are Marxists.

Andrew Bolt interviewed a spokesman for the IMARC rioters who also happened to be a Socialist Alliance activist. Imagine that.

On his Sky News program and in his column in the Herald Sun, the daggy old opera-loving uncle of the Australian right has dared to say the obvious. While journalists from nearly every other network and publication have done their best to portray the rioters sympathetically, Bolt alone has pointed out that the people blockading IMARC are less interested in the environment than they are in overthrowing the government and implementing a totalitarian socialist state.

But Andrew Bolt deserves limited credit. The wonder is not that he has pointed out who the organisers of the illegal blockade of the Melbourne convention centre are; the wonder is why no other journalists have done so.

After all, The Unshackled began reporting on the organisers of this planned riot in early August and has continually updated TU readers on the plans, meetings and identities of the extremist organisations involved. The information is freely available for anyone who wanted it, yet Australia’s journalists have somehow repeatedly missed the elephant in the room.

The lead-up to this event has been months in the making and, during that entire period, the organisers have made no effort whatsoever to hide who they are, the organisations they belong to and their ultimate goals. The inability of our fourth estate to even mention that people who openly boast about how they want a Marxist revolution are in fact revolutionary Marxists is a disgrace. It is probably the biggest scandal in Australian journalistic history. These same groups have organised for most of this year to shut down the centres of capital cities all over Australia and if you had only been watching the mainstream news, their motives and extremist associations would be a complete mystery.

It’s not as if Australian journalists are incapable of research, either. We all know that if this illegal blockade was being carried out by a right-wing group for a right-of-centre cause, every scribbler in every newsroom in Australia would be scrutinising the social media accounts not only of every organiser, but of every attendee, to try and discover something embarrassing or compromising. We saw only a short while ago, the Herald Sun attempted to smear the March For The Babies by pointing out that in the crowd of almost 4,000 was one Dia Beltran, and that in the past Dia had interviewed Blair Cottrell. In contrast ,the vast majority of the IMARC riot organisers had not simply interviewed extremists in the past but were themselves outright revolutionary communists, yet the very same journalists seemed strangely incurious.

Andrew Bolt named the red
Christopher Di Pasquale (with the moustache) and Michael Roberts (with the skunk hair) of Socialist Alternative stand at the IMARC protest, surrounded by (and holding) red flags.

Andrew Bolt has pointed out that the main IMARC riot spokeswoman, Emma Black, is a self-proclaimed revolutionary Marxist from the Trotskyist group Socialist Alternative. Emma has appeared on almost every television station and in almost every newspaper in Australia, without a single person pointing this out. Emma hasn’t been trying to hide her views: she writes under her own name in the Socialist Alternative magazine Red Flag and, a week ago, wrote an article about the planned IMARC riot for the major leftist magazine Jacobin as a Socialist Alternative representative. Emma is also a prominent member of the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy, which recently published the book “Marx and Art: a new take on Karl Marx’s view of art and literature”.

If that was too subtle, Emma also marched down Collins Street on Monday during the “IMARC swarm”, underneath a sea of red communist flags and did an interview on Channel 7’s Sunrise Thursday morning wearing a T-shirt bearing the logo of the Victorian Socialists (the Socialist Alternative electoral front).

Sunrise described her as: “a climate activist”.

Short of walking up to the journalists and repeatedly hitting them over the head with a copy of the Communist manifesto, I don’t think Emma could have been much more obvious with her extremist affiliations.

So why hasn’t the media told you? Why is Andrew Bolt (now
almost in retirement) the only one telling the obvious truth?

As Andrew Bolt said in a piece published on the Sky News site:

Socialist Alternative…
says it is a revolutionary Marxist organisation that stands for the overthrow
of capitalism and the construction of a world socialist system. This, it says
on its website, means the smashing of the capitalist state apparatus. The
dismantling of existing state institutions like our parliaments, our courts,
the armed forces and the police.

That’s pretty damn extreme. So why did our journalists, who are paid to tell us the news, describe the violent extremist rioters outside IMARC as tree-hugging hippies?

It’s a damned good question, and one that needs answering.

Author Details
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
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