The Unshackled Waves Ep. 260 Christian Democrats Future

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An ongoing political saga for the past few months has been the attempted takeover of Fred Nile’s Christian Democratic Party by two members of the party’s youth wing.
19 year old Samraat Joshua Grewal who’s previously been a contributor to the Unshackled led a motion at a state council meeting on Saturday 1st June to dismiss the Board of the party. He was assisted by 22 year old Joel Jammal who is a contributor to Carnage House Productions.
Samraat’s motion was successful though Party President Ross Clifford claimed he’d adjured the meeting and the vote was invalid. A two-month legal dispute ensured with a revote occurring at another state meeting on Saturday 10th August with a vote of no confidence in the board being overwhelming defeated 80-12.
It was an extremely bold move for two youths to try and overthrown Fred Nile who founded the first incarnation of the Christian Democrats in 1977 and was first elected to the NSW parliament in 1981.
The party failed to retain a seat in the NSW parliament for the first time in its history in the 2019 state election. With the minor party field becoming increasingly crowded certainly the Christian Democrats needed to regroup and explore the best way to go forward.
But was such an extreme course of action, removing the party of its most experienced political operatives, coming from members so young and inexperienced the way to do it?
Samraat and Joel are my guests today where I will ask them reflect on their chosen course of action, their strategy throughout the turmoil, and what their political plans are for the future.
Meet the 18-year-old challenging one of the only Christian parties left in Aus politics – SBS The Feed
The sacking of the CDP with Samraat Joshua Grewal and Joel Jammal – Carnage House Productions
Why I’m leaving the Christian Democratic Party – Joel Jammal