Blair Cottrell Trial Diary

Editor in Chief of The Unshackled and Host of WilmsFront, Tim Wilms was in attendance at the County Court of Victoria last week to report on patriot activist Blair Cottrell’s appeal trial against his 2017 blasphemy conviction.
This conviction was for vilifying Muslims during his United Patriots Front activism in Bendigo in 2015, under Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.
This video feature presents a diary of developments during the trial, as they occurred, with immediate analysis and reaction. It also features an interview with Blair Cottrell and his lawyer John Bolton.
As well as appealing the guilty verdict, they are arguing that the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act violates the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities and infringes on freedom of political communication implied in the Australian Constitution.
The trial concluded on Thursday afternoon, with judgement reserved for several weeks by Chief Judge Peter Kidd. This trial was educational for everyone present, in that we don’t have the individual right to freedom of speech, and our speech can be limited for the greater good of multicultural Australia.
Keep visiting The Unshackled and tuning in to WilmsFront for further news on the final verdict when it is delivered.
Related Links
Blair Cottrell Blasphemy Appeal Trial Set to Commence – TU
WF Ep. 21 Free Speech on Trial? – TU
WF Ep. 22 A Free Society? – TU