Victoria’s Mother’s Day Lockdown Revolt

Today was Mother’s Day, despite Australia’s National Cabinet on Friday releasing a three-step framework for reopening the nation from lockdown the state governments of New South Wales and Victoria were adamant there would no change to stay-at-home lockdown orders before Mother’s Day.
In New South Wales two members from other households are allowed to vist someone else’s, in Victoria no one from another household can visit another. Premier Dan Andrews warned on Friday anyone disobeying the lockdown would be dealt with by Victoria Police.
This meant in Victoria Mother’s Day was effectively canceled. But with the coronavirus curve remaining flat that the national death toll still less than 100 people are already reasserting their right to freedom of movement. Mothers Day cards, flowers, and rich chocolates were sold out across Victoria despite the holiday been canceled.
The Victorian Liberal Opposition opposed the Mother’s Day travel ban with shadow Planning Minister Tim Smith calling it ‘incredibly cruel’. Maverick Liberal backbencher Bernie Finn went further comparing Andrews’ continued statewide lockdown to life in North Korea
The civil liberties suspended during the lockdown include the right to protest the government’s policies. A huge violation of democratic rights and freedom of speech. History tells us asking the government nicely to give us back our rights and freedoms isn’t very effective.
A protest against the lockdown was held outside Victoria’s Parliament House today as part of the worldwide Stand Against Tyranny protests. These series of protests have been organised and promoted through Facebook groups called 99% unite “it’s us or them”.

Victorian Police aggressively shutdown Victoria’s Mother’s Day anti-lockdown protest moving in right in the middle of one of the speakers turning the peaceful event into a scuffle.
This is an unprecedented violation of the right to peaceful assembly in our nation. The police breached social distancing restrictions to enforce social distancing restrictions.
Victoria Police arrested ten attendees including two organisers and who were later released pending court summons. Victoria Police have said they will charge three with assaulting police and have vowed to identify and track down all attendees of the protest and issue them with penalty infringement notices with a $1600 fine.
One of the protestors arrested and tackled to the ground by Victoria Police was Nick “Banjo” Patterson who has been monitored by authorities for refusing to shut down his MMA fighting training clinic in Cranbourne. Nick was profiled on a recent episode of WilmsFront.
The mainstream media slant on the shutdown of the anti-lockdown protest was that it was a protest demanding a restoration of civil liberties but one against mandatory vaccinations and the rollout of 5G internet. Of course no fines will be issued to mainstream media reporters filming the protest despite being in the thick of the action to get the money shot for the 6pm news.
They also take the side of Victoria Police and focus on the fact one officer had to be taken to hospital with suspected rib injuries. Playing down that Victoria Police were the aggressors. As this footage from today sent through to the Unshackled demonstrates the protest was peaceful until Victoria Police moved in.
Victoria Police justified their actions that although they respect the public’s right to protest, their top priority is community safety. The validity of all the fines issued by Victoria Police is yet to be tested in court. This protest was clearly not a “social gathering” instead of political communication which is an implied right of all Australians under our Constitution.
Victoria’s second state of emergency declared by Daniel Andrews expires tomorrow on May 11 where he will announce if any lockdown restrictions are to be lifted.
Yesterday NSW Police arrested a mother exercising her civil rights, she was social distancing but police broke social distancing to detain her and separate her from crying son.