Unholy Alliance on Display at Let Women Speak Melbourne

Kellie-Jay Keen’s aka The Posie Parker Let Women Speak event came to Melbourne this afternoon. First there was the actual speeches on the steps of Victoria’s Parliament House the contents of which showcased an unholy alliance of traditional conservative women and radical feminist lesbians. Then there was the sideshow with Socialist Alternative transgender rights protesters against the event and the Neo-Nazi National Socialist Network (NSN) who showed up in black clothes with their sign ‘Destroy Pedo Freaks’.

Victoria Police were overzealous in their moving of peaceful observers but achieved their aim of not allowing the socialists to storm the steps of Parliament and also kept them away from the NSN members. The NSN members left after the first hour of the event by walking alongside the socialists who were waving red flags and performed a Nazi salute in front of them.
The adult human female speakers included Liberal MLC Moira Deeming and former federal Liberal candidate Katherine Deves. Repeated throughout the speeches including by Kellie-Jay is that women don’t have penises, men don’t have vaginas and transitioning children is child abuse. They’ve embraced the term trans exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) which is used as a slur against them.
It was quite the sight to behold to see traditional conservative women standing side by side with radical feminist lesbians. LGBT rainbow flags were on both sides. Suffragette flags were also waved. Kellie-Jay told the crowd that the only goal that each faction present should focus on is standing for women’s rights which they define as protecting female-only spaces and sports.
Both the event and the protest weren’t well attended with the socialists slightly outnumbering the Let Women Speak supporters. Melbourne of course was the city where the socialist protestors were the most aggressive. Kellie-Jay Keen’s next public Let Women Speak events are in Hobart, Canberra and Auckland.