Resurgent Nationalism Lead to UK Election Upset
As Labour’s younger inner-city faithful have swapped their plowshares for swords and rioted across London, resurgent UK nationalism has caused many within the Labour party to sift through the ashes of one of the most devastating losses in recent memory.

As Labour’s younger inner-city faithful have swapped their plowshares for swords and rioted across London, resurgent UK nationalism has caused many within the Labour party to sift through the ashes of one of the most devastating losses in recent memory.
Having lost 42 seats, including several traditional Labor working-class strongholds , Jeremy Corbyn has conceded that the failure was his. Indeed, some polls indicate that the massive swings were a rejection of Labour leadership more than a rejection of their economic policies.
Corbyn’s Failure to Inspire
Jeremy Corbyn’s failure to inspire confidence was clear back in September, when the DailyMail reported that his popularity was the lowest of any opposition leader since Michael Foot in the 1980’s.
Of non-Labour voters polled by Opinium, 37% of defectors listed ‘the leadership’ as their primary motivation, while 21% agreed the party’s stance on Brexit lead to their swing.
Indeed, the Brexit issue loomed large over the election, and the decision by Corbyn to sit on the fence clearly disgusted many voters.
Furthermore, Jeremy Corbyn’s support for the IRA – revealed in this investigation conducted by The Telegraph – likely loomed in the minds of older working-class voters from midland and northern seats. Many of them bore the brunt of ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland and hold a deep disdain for the IRA and its sympathizers.
After the initial Brexit referendum in 2016, the reaction of the Twitter mobs was to point the finger angrily at everyone from the elderly, the working class and the ‘uneducated’.
The surge in votes for the SNP in Scotland is yet another indication of this populist regionalism.

This unfettered arrogance of ‘elites’ towards the will of the people has generated an upswell of populist sentiment across the world, from the US election of Donald Trump in 2016, the LNP triumph in the 2019 Australian election and now, in the UK.
When the alternatives include IRA supporters like Jeremy Corbyn, cackling demons like Hillary Clinton and uninspiring sad sacks like Bill Shorten – even dyed in the wool left-wing voting workers will vote in favour of regionalism and nationalism over globalist cosmopolitanism.
Where To?
The political apparatchiks of left-wing parties would do well to show more respect and deference to the needs and voices of the largely silent majority instead of treating them with contempt and derision.
That isn’t going to happen though, the left has set their sights on appealing to an increasingly vocal minority of misfits and rent seekers, and they’re too invested now to back out.
In the meantime, common sense will prevail. The next step toward the realisation of the people’s will is the consolidation of nationalist pillars of thought, and the refinement of the talking points that will appeal to the increasingly fed up and taken for granted proletariat.
In Australia, resurgent nationalism looks like the outright vehement rejection of creeping Chinese imperialism, treasonous politicians from across the spectrum and the unchecked immigration that is stagnating wages and driving up house prices.