Police Warn Marxist Anti-Scomo Marches Will Drain Fire Resources

Police in Victoria have warned that that the Marxist organised anti-Morrison protests planned for central Melbourne this Friday could drain vital emergency resources from bushfire-affected communities.
Anneke Demanuele a spokeswoman for “Uni Students for Climate Justice” (the group organising the marches) refused to rethink the planned rally telling 3AW that they never asked the police to come in the first place.

It’s amazing that neither 3AW or The Age or the Daily Mail or even the supposed evil right wing “News Corp conspiracy” at the Herald Sun didn’t manage to uncover the most obvious and publicly available fact about Ms Demanuele, that being that she is an activist with Socialist Alternative and has been since at least 2015. Anneke was elected to officeholder position in the National Union of Students under a Socialist Alternative ticket, writes for the Socialist Alternative magazine Red Flag and has represented Socialist Alternative at the University of Melbourne for years now. She was recently in attendance at the Socialist Alternative organised IMARC Riots selling copies of Red Flag while screaming obscenities at conference attendees and tussling with police before giving an interview to the University of Melbourne student magazine where she described herself as a Socialist Alternative member. She even got herself arrested by police at a Melbourne Extinction Rebellion event as a part of the (largely successful) attempt by Socialist Alternative to take over that organisation. The only way to not know that Anneke is a Marxist would be to do absolutely no research at all, which is apparently what the Australian media has decided to do.

Notably in February 2017 Demanuele was the chief organiser of the Socialist Alternative led mob that attacked conservatives in Melbourne who were trying to embark on a bus to see Cory Bernardi. She was even interviewed on Channel 7 about it. Again none of this is hidden or secret; all of it is publicly available information.

Socialist Alternative is of course the largest left wing extremist group in Australia, an openly revolutionary Marxist organisation in the Trotskyist tradition that publicly proclaims that it wants to overthrow the government and implement a totalitarian socialist state. You would think the fact that a group who want to overthrow the government are holding a dozen rallies which will be attended by possibly tens of thousands of people demanding that the Prime Minister resign would be newsworthy. But apparently not.

And Ms Demanuele is hardly atypical. There hasn’t been a single spokesperson for “Uni Students for Climate Justice” who hasn’t been an activist with Socialist Alternative. Not in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane or Wollongong. All the same group. Every single time. And yet the journalists of Australia almost never report on it. In some cases they even cheer them on. The police are at least partly to blame as well. They could name the groups behind these “protests”, but for some reason never do.
Socialist Alternative aren’t holding these events across the country on Friday because they seriously believe that a protest can reverse the result of last year’s election, nor are they all that interested in environmentalism beyond how they can use it to advance their causes. Their plan is the same as it always is; regardless of if the cause is “anti-racism” or sexism, or refugees, or gay marriage or even war. They want to use this event to draw in new impressionable, naïve young lefties to recruit and radicalise. They’ve even already set up meetings after the rally where they can immediately take new prospective recruits to begin their “instruction” in how only “real” communism can save the planet.
They’ve been doing it for decades, and our media has been letting them do it by never reporting who exactly is behind the mask of the multiplicity of front groups they use to dupe the unwary. And this Friday afternoon they’ll do it again. And the police will be there to babysit them while they do it, warnings deliberately ignored.