
Need help with deciding who to vote for on Saturday?

Below is information on the candidates running in this election who respect people’s freedoms. Essentially they all believe that the government should not force people to get vaccinated or to lockdown if they don’t want to. They believe in a government that doesn’t interfere in people’s lives and if elected will work towards creating a system that leaves us alone, is less corrupt, and is not pushing communist propaganda. Videos of the candidates’ short speeches at the recent Sack Them All Rally is featured below too.

DAMIEN RICHARDSON Independent for the Victorian Senate

“Increasingly frustrated by hypocritical mandates and the institutions of State and their corporate masters not only ignoring hundreds of thousands of ordinary Australians but actively disparaging them, I decided to run for the Senate.

My loyalty lies with the Australian people, not the political process now corrupting them. To fight for freedom and our prosperity I’m going to need the support of my fellow Victorians.”

REBEKAH SPELMAN United Australia Party Candidate For Aston

Australians deserve better. Rebekah is passionate about protecting our community, our lives and livelihoods, our freedoms and personal values, and our laws. She wants to see real people with strong values placed back into our Parliaments; both State and Federal.

Rebekah believes that we must do everything in the power of the people to make sure that we tighten controls on our governments so that they can never again abuse the people like they have in recent years and continue to do today.

She supports actual change that will positively affect our systems and our communities, and most importantly, the behaviour of our politicians and bureaucrats. “Honour and integrity still matter,” she says, “and we desperately need a return of good people to our Parliament. We can still make that happen, and this election is our one big shot.”


Ex ADF combat engineer Warren Pickering will represent working class Australians who’ve been too busy working hard and sustaining this country’s GDP to engage in political dialogue & now find themselves underrepresented by government.

Raised on regional Victorian farmland, Warren worked in various aspects of the construction industry. In his late 20s, the desire to contribute a service to this country compelled him to join the Australian Army as a combat engineer.

After seven years of full-time service, multiple foreign operations and engagements, and domestic deployments as both a trainer instructor of foreign security forces and section commander during humanitarian aid/disaster relief operations, he transferred to the Army Reserves. It was here Warren gained employment in the central Queensland coal industry.

Since being stood down for noncompliance after publicly vocalising his discontent with the COVID-19 vaccination mandate implemented by the company with which he was employed, his desire to serve the wider Australian community beckoned once again.

“I’ve always felt an inherent sense of moral obligation as both a parent and citizen of our country to stand in the face of injustice and mismanagement of our children’s future.”

A firm believer in the sovereignty of the individual and the integrity of the constitution, Warren strongly advocates for restoring public faith in the political process in Victoria. He intends to represent working-class Australians who have been too busy working hard to sustain this country’s GDP to engage in political dialogue. As a result, everyday Australians are finding themselves drastically underrepresented in all areas of government.

 “To achieve the balance of power in the Senate, we need to put aside the differences that serve only to separate us. We need to come together under firm leadership, smart policy, and one banner. I am standing up to become part of that leadership because One Nation has the smart policies and has always been the flagbearer for the Australian working class.”

Warren firmly believes that we need to mitigate risk against global, social, and economic impacts that threaten our way of life for both strategic and economic purposes. A minimum of 90 days of fuel security, the ability to refine on home soil, and the promotion of critical thinking within our education system are the cornerstones of his beliefs.

“The primary intention of government policy is to advance the quality of life for the society it claims to represent. Any less than this serves only to erode the public’s confidence in both its integrity and ability to govern. Some feel that we’re on the precipice of social and economic collapse. That’s why it’s time to take the power back.”

Warren is a single parent in regional Victoria and the owner of a bricklaying construction company.

NICK CLONARIDIS Informed Medical Options Party Vic Senate Candidate

Born in Melbourne to a family of Greek heritage, Nick grew up in the city’s inner east and then Frankston, where he went to high school. He now lives in the south-eastern suburbs and is a proud father and step-father. His passions are his family and his sport of golf.

Nick has run his own business and held state and national managerial positions in telecommunications and the construction industry, until he lost his job in 2021 due to not receiving a COVID-19 injection. He considers himself fortunate in being able to work from home now, unlike many others who refused the ‘jab.’

Nick believes in fighting for two major changes that are needed to improve the lives of everyday Australians.

First, he is pro-medical freedom and anti-discrimination, regardless of whether related to vaccines or to illness. He believes that our medical choices and status are private, to be considered and decided upon by ourselves in consultation with our health professionals, or shared with family members and friends at our own discretion – not to be publicly disclosed to or mandated by a government, an employer or any other authority.

Nick points out that when the Australian Immunisation Handbook states clearly that anyone receiving a vaccine must give their full and informed consent, it should mean exactly that. It does not mean: ‘Do it or lose your job and access to the society you helped build.’

The second change Nick wants to see is an end to the constant lies, deception and corruption that have been uncovered regarding our politicians. Our country and our tax dollars are not theirs to squander, and those who are proven to have done wrong must be held accountable. How many more MPs are we going to allow to hide behind excuses of the ‘I can’t recall’ variety? That is not a get-out-of jail-free card – not then, not now, not ever.

GREG CHEESMAN Liberal Democrats Candidate for Menzies, Victoria.

Greg Cheesman will be the Liberal Democrats’ candidate for the seat of Menzies. Born and bred in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Greg is a fierce advocate for the democratic principles of self-determination, personal responsibility, and limited government intervention.

In recent times, our government has failed to follow the core principles of liberal democracy. Having been stripped of the fundamental right to earn an income, access education, travel, exercise medical autonomy and to speak freely, Victorians have ultimately been condemned should they wish to seek government transparency and to hold our elected leaders to account.

As a family man, previous small business owner and passionate Victorian, Greg’s determination to change our government to truly represent the interests of the Australian people, and his electorate of Menzies, will contribute to restoring all Australians rights to freedom – OUR freedom, that should never have been taken from us by this government.

CHRISTOPHER NEIL Australian Federation Party Candidate for McEwen, Victoria – The House of Representatives

I am standing for election because I think it’s time to bring back common-sense representation and constructive solutions for all Australians. Frankly, I am not doing this for fun! But I really think now is the time to get sensible people into Canberra who are not career politicians with a party focus and

divisive agendas. Our party is unique in that it encourages diversity and debate, plus we have a six-step AusFeds Community Pact, which reflects our commitment above all else to put the people first.

I am a doctor and have been dedicated to the care of my patients as a cardiologist for 13 years and enjoy working with all sorts of people. I have been living in the beautiful Macedon Ranges with my wife and kids for the last 7 years. I love this country and its people, who are the greatest of all its resources! Despite the carnage of the last few years, there is no reason why Australia cannot thrive and enjoy a bright future.

WALTER STRAGAN One Nation Candidate for Melbourne – House of Representatives

Walter Stragan is an award-winning accountant with a passion for reducing the costs of living and doing business. Born in Melbourne to Ukrainian parents, Walter loves the opportunities that come with living, learning, and working in Australia.

“Electricity, water, petrol, groceries, rent – the costs of living are skyrocketing and governments obsessed with the power they’ve wielded over us during this damned pandemic are doing nothing. Owning or renting a home has fallen out of reach for many Australian families. It shouldn’t be this way and it doesn’t have to be.”

A family man with two kids, Walter grew up in Melbourne’s western suburbs delivering newspapers to help his working-class family with a bit of extra income while he gained his accountant’s diploma. Since 1989 he’s run his own business, which in 2016 gained a Multicultural Impact Award.

“I’ve worked on the books for a lot of businesses and one thing has stood out all this time – governments are increasingly getting in the way, placing more and more administrative and cost burdens on businesses. It’s especially hard on small businesses. We need governments to get out of the way and let businesses do what they do best – create Australian jobs and grow the economy.

“The space where governments should be intervening is with foreign-owned multinationals operating in Australia while paying little or no tax. I’m standing for One Nation in Melbourne because Pauline Hanson is putting Australia and Australians first. We won’t stop fighting for a transaction-based tax system on multinational resource companies to ensure Australians receive a fair return for the exploitation of our resources.”

Walter has also been dismayed by the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates on jobs, businesses, and families, and the threat they have represented to the

individual rights and freedoms that are some of the most important foundations of Australian democracy.

“After two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s past time for governments to step back from the control they’ve been exerting on all of us. It’s alarming how quickly and easily Australian governments curtailed our rights and freedoms. It’s been disturbing to see how much they’ve relished it, and it’s frightening to see how reluctant they are to give it up. I’m backing Pauline Hanson’s call for a Royal Commission into the management of the pandemic by Australian governments, both state and federal. I’ll always fight for the rights and freedoms of the Australian people.”

Independent Victorian Senate Group R Candidates Morgan C Jonas and Monica Smit

For far too long, Australian politicians have abrogated their duty of care to the people. They have destroyed everything that once made our country special. 

Our manufacturing has been ruined, foreign ownership has replaced domestic ownership, government spending is out control and our most basic freedoms are under attack.

The only solution to this crisis is to reduce the size and scope of government, get politicians out of our business and empower Australians to take back control of their lives. 

I am running as an independent for Senate because I believe I can best serve Australia without political party affiliation. I love my country and I am ready and willing to dedicate my life to fighting for my fellow Australians.

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