
Marxist activists have organised a march against Mark Latham for early next month in their latest bid to bust COVID-19 restrictions on protests in NSW.

The protest is being called under the banner of “Community Action for Rainbow Rights” (CARR) and aims to “kill” Latham’s proposed bill that would rightly return issues such as transexuality and homosexuality to the realm of parents rather than the instruction of teachers. This is possibly one of the most productive and potentially effective bills for driving back the leftist gender indoctrination in the classroom that has been proposed in decades. Unsurpringly the extreme left is furiously opposed.

Marxists hate Mark Latham
Marxists are furiously opposed to Mark Latham’s plan to allow parents to teach their children about sex and gender. I wonder why?

So who is “Community Action for Rainbow Rights”? CARR is a renaming of a previous campaign group known as “Community Action Against Homophobia” (CAAH). CAAH was originally formed in NSW in 1999; firstly to campaign for a lowering of the New South Wales age of consent laws in order to give gays and lesbians greater… access to teenagers, and secondly to shut down university campus meetings by a Catholic ministry group. The original founder was Zanny Begg, a member of the Democratic Socialist Party (later Socialist Alliance) who was until then best known for her distribution of 5000 copies of a DSP authored pamphlet “Fantastic Sex Facts” to underage schoolchildren.

CAAH lay dormant for a few years before being revived By Socialist Alliance organisers and NSW Senate candidates Rachel Evans and Kylie Moon. Also joining the “community” was Farida Iqbal a future Socialist Alliance Senate candidate.

CAAH found a perfect cause in the campaign for gay marriage, organising at the Sydney gay Mardi Gras as well as being the main on the ground organising body for the NSW street protests in support of changing the marriage laws. In this they were joined by various NSW Greens such as Simon Margan and Emelia Holdaway who also became CAAH spokespeople.

As the gay marriage campaign reached its climax CAAH was joined at the leadership level by spokespeople from Socialist Alternative such as Cat Rose and April Holcombe. This reflected the relative positions of the two organisations within the Australian Marxist milieu.

When CAAH had been founded in the late 90s and revived in the early 2000s it was the DSP/Socialist Alliance who were the largest and most dominant force on the Australian extreme left. By the mid 2010s that was no longer the case, Socialist Alternative had risen to take the central position in Australian Marxist groups, had swallowed a Socialist Alliance splinter faction and were now in a position to take command of far left front groups like CAAH even in cities like Sydney where traditionally SAlt had been weaker.

marxists on usyd
Socialist Alternative promoting CARR campaign against Mark Latham on the University of Sydney campus.

Perhaps symbolic of the changing of the guard was the court case where charges of offensive language against Cat Rose and April Holcombe at were dismissed after magistrate Geoffrey Bradd ludicrously ruled that the Marxists chanting “fuck Fred Nile” and “fuck off bigots” through a megaphone at a CAAH organised counter protest against the NSW Christian Democrat politician “did not constitute offensive behaviour”. They were also responsible for stacking the AGM of the Sydney Mardi Gras with Marxist activists so that a motion banning then Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull from the event could be passed.

Post the gay marriage vote the CAAH chose to re-brand itself as “Community Action for Rainbow Rights” perhaps to better align with the re-branding of the other Socialist Alternative dominated “Equal Love” groups in other states who at around the same time had also changed their names to “Rainbow Rebellion” (seemingly to try and cash in on the Extinction Rebellion fad).

So there you have it: CAAH is a group founded by revolutionary Marxists to campaign for lowering the age of consent for gay teenagers and to kick Christians out of educational institutions. It was founded by a Marxist activist most famous for spreading sexually explicit literature to underage schoolchildren. It was revived by some of the most prominent members of what was then Australia’s largest revolutionary Marxist group. It organised the Sydney street protests for gay marriage and helped to enshrine in case law the ideal that leftists are allowed to scream obscenities at whoever they like through a megaphone. They even managed to pass a vote banning the Prime Minister from the gay Mardi Gras.

And now they’re coming after Mark Latham for trying to pass a bill that would stop teachers having more rights over what children are taught about sex than their own parents. Straight out revolutionary Marxists who want to overthrow the government and devoutly pray to a God they don’t believe in for Australia to be destroyed think that letting parents teach their own children about human sexuality is harmful, and they aim to “kill the bill” that threatens to give priority to families, rather than the university bred fanatics.

This isn’t the first time Marxists have protested Mark Latham. In May last year Socialist Alternative activist Hersha Kadkol held a rally protesting the fact that he was even elected outside the front of the NSW Parliament, she even managed to organise Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi to give a speech.

Mark is pissing off the reds and their Green friends every time he turns around. I suspect that means he must be doing something right.

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