Lidia Thorpe: The Extremist Connections of Our Newest Greens Senator

Lidia Thorpe our newest Greens Senator certainly hates Australia (and has made headlines because of it), but why is the media covering up her links to Marxist nutters and an apologist for paedophile supporters?
Lets take a look at the facts our nation’s journalists haven’t seemed fit to mention.
In May 2018 Lidia Thorpe spoke in Melbourne’s inner north at a rally for public housing. Alongside her was long time Marxist activist Stephen Jolly previously of the Socialist Party (before the… unpleasantness) and the then state candidate for the Victorian Socialists (a party he eventually “left” after some more… unpleasantness). Also speaking was Councillor Sue Bolton probably the last significant leader of the once mighty Socialist Alliance and herself a Marxist activist since the early eighties.
The event was organised by the “Victorian Socialists” an electoral front for the Marxists at the Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance. Jolly and Bolton were candidates in the November 2018 Victorian state election under the “Victorian Socialists” banner. Lidia Thorpe had spoken at another “public housing” rally alongside Councillor Bolton in November the year before.
Why was a Greens organizer and former elected MP supporting the campaign event of a Trotskyist electoral front? After all in the inner Northern Metro electorate where Stephen Jolly hoped to win an upper house seat the Greens and the Victorian Socialists were in direct competition. Nobody seems to want to ask.
In November last year Lidia Thorpe was a speaker at the violent Socialist Alternative organised blockade of Australia’s largest annual mining event, the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC). She was hardly alone at the violent near riot however, fellow Greens Samantha Ratnam, Lee Rhiannon and even (now party leader) Adam Bandt were also featured speakers. Socialist Alternative was so happy with the result of their blockade that they are planning to repeat the effort at this year’s event. With so much support for their violent and disruptive actions from a supposedly mainstream political party who can blame them?
On February 15 2018 Lidia Thorpe spoke at the launch of the “Stop failing our kids” campaign held by the “Indigenous Social Justice Association” (ISJA). This campaign was calling for thousands of postcards to be sent to Premier Dan Andrews in the lead up to that year’s election. The ISJA is a front for the Marxist-Feminist “Freedom Socialist Party” and the event was held in their headquarters on Sydney Rd in the inner Melbourne suburb of Brunswick.
Despite nominally being an event held by an indigenous group the gathering was populated almost entirely by white skinned members and activists of the FSP. Speaking alongside Lidia Thorpe was Alison Thorne, a Marxist and gay-rights activist of decades standing.
Ms Thorne first came to public prominence in 1983 when while working as a teacher she came out in support of nine gay activists arrested for belonging to an organisation known as the “Pedophile Support Group”. Speaking on 3AW on behalf of the “Victorian Gay Legal Rights Coalition”, Thorne attacked the arrests as part of an “anti-gay witchhunt” and questioned the necessity for age of consent laws.
Also at that event was veteran Marxist activist and FSP organiser Debbie Brennan. Ms Brennan is a communist so extreme that she visited Cuba in the eighties and came away convinced that the problem with the Castro regime was that it wasn’t communist enough. Melbourne people will perhaps know Ms Brennan best as the emaciated woman with the red dyed hair and American accent who was one of the main spokeswomen for the “Campaign Against Racism and Fascism” group before Socialist Alternative kicked her out.
On both February 29th and June 13th this year Lidia Thorpe spoke at rallies in Melbourne organised by the “Refugee Action Collective” (RAC). The RAC was founded in 2000 by Trotskyist activists Judy McVey (of the Solidarity group) and Fleur Taylor (of Socialist Alternative). It was created to serve as the Melbourne counterpart to the Sydney based “Refugee Action Coalition” which had been earlier established by veteran Trotskyist activist Ian Rintoul.
The “Refugee Action Collective” is perhaps best known for organising a mob attack on the Woomera detention centre in 2002 in order to violently break out 40 detainees. Today it serves as the primary Melbourne front group for “Solidarity” and its two primary spokespersons Chris Breen and Lucy Honan are both longtime activists with that extremist organisation.
On May 2nd this year Lidia Thorpe also spoke to an online meeting organised by the extremist linked “Tamil Refugee Council”. Speaking alongside her were Oscar Sterner of Socialist Alternative and Ben Hillier the editor of the Socialist Alternative newspaper Red Flag.
And this is just scratching the surface. No doubt the newest Greens Senator from Victoria has even more extremist associations just waiting to be uncovered.
The real question is why hasn’t anyone in the media picked up on this? It’s not like mainstream journalists have been giving Ms Thorpe an easy ride. Their publicizing of her public declarations of how much she hates Australia have been printed and broadcast far and wide, so why not also mention that she regularly speaks at events organised by Marxist extremists who want to overthrow the government and even (in one case at least) an apologist for pedophile supporters? Can you even imagine the outcry if a minor party politician from the right had these sorts of links?
After a certain point you just have to admit that the most obvious answer is that the journalists who make up Australia’s media class are either very biased or (more likely) just not very bright.