Greta Thunberg Muscles HK Protesters to Win Time 2019 Person of the Year


Hong Kong democracy protesters won the popular vote, but globalist darling Greta Thunberg was ultimately crowned Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ for 2019 by the editors at the magazine.

Greta Thunberg

Hong Kong democracy protesters won the popular vote, but globalist darling Greta Thunberg was ultimately crowned Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ for 2019 by the editors at the magazine.

You’re probably sick to death of hearing about and being lectured by Greta Thunberg, while China continues to turn the atmosphere into its own personal dumping ground. The fact that she scolds the de-industrialised West, while China steams ahead with its reckless industrialisation, tells you all you need to know about this pint-sized PSA against drinking while pregnant.

The popular vote being won resoundingly by the Hong Kong protestors, who still to this day are risking their freedom and even lives to stand up for freedom and democracy in their region, counted for nothing.

As is the case with globalists, they have disdain for ordinary people, so Time gave its ‘Person of the Year’ 2019 to Greta Thunberg, because saying ‘how dare you’ to a receptive audience at the United Nations in New York is much more stunning and brave. people’s poll

Greta’s other achievements are being a passenger on her family yacht sailing the Atlantic. Greta told Time magazine, in response to the honour, “We can’t just continue living as if there was no tomorrow, because there is a tomorrow”.

I have already covered how her message is targeted at the wrong people here, but let me say it again: you’re preaching to the converted. The de-industrialised West has been scaling back its carbon emissions for a while now.

The top three nations polluting the world’s oceans are China, Indonesia and The Philippines. Why is the West copping all the criticism? Many suspect this is because the climate change cult is not actually about reducing emissions, but reducing Western living standards and native populations.

Unlike Greta Thunberg’s contrived rise to fame, the Hong Kong protest movement has been the result of genuine bravery in the face of an authoritarian Chinese communist regime.

Earlier this year, The Unshackled’s Morgan Munro flew to Hong Kong in the protest’s early days, to document the impressive number of HK citizens standing up for democracy. This was well before the loony left tried to co-opt the movement, in spite of it being a popular uprising AGAINST communist authoritarianism, of which they are heartily in favour.

Selecting Greta Thunberg as a person of the year for 2019 is a clear sign that Time magazine isn’t a voice of the people, but of globalist interests.

It should also be remembered that being named by Time as a person of the year doesn’t mean you are a person of good influence. Adolf Hitler was 1938’s person of the year, one year before World War 2 started. Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator, slaughterer and starver of millions of his own citizens, won the award twice.

Yes, Greta has certainly been influential in 2019 and is spoken about worldwide, but she has certainly not been a good world influence.

Previous Time Person of the Year winners

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