Yes I am suggesting here that the government can control the weather and that they have chosen to make it hot today specifically for the grand final so that we can all think that global warming is happening when it actually isn’t.

It was AFL Grand Final Day and it was hotter than usual here in Melbourne where the big game is held. I suspect there is more to this than meets the eye. The military invented the technology that could affect the weather years ago. They did so for war purposes. If the weather was very rainy or very windy that could really affect who could win a battle. The military kept this weather control technology secret so that their enemy did not know that they were using this shifty military tactic. It seems that the first weather-manipulating technology was used in the Vietnam War where they would make it rain for days thus washing out the enemy. But here’s the big question, is the military now using this weather control technology on us?

I have travelled the world and there is no evidence the world is getting hotter. If anything it’s getting colder. In fact I believe what scientists were saying in the 1970s before the global warming crap began being pushed, that we are moving into an ice age. It’s getting colder but if you were a one-world government that was using the global warming lie as an excuse to roll out communist-type policies, well you would need to cover this fact up. You would need to make it appear to be hotter to the average person whom you want to be tricked. So what do you do?

Well every now and then using your weather control technology you make an excessively hot day. That way you can cover up that it’s not getting hotter. You can’t do it every day, they can control the weather but not that much, so you pick certain key days to make it hotter than usual and then rollout news stories about the crazy hot day, then everyone starts thinking the earth is getting hotter. Well I think they have done this for the AFL grand final this year. Lots of attention is on Melbourne today and on Sydney tomorrow for their NRL Grand Final.

For years people will be talking about this day and if it’s a hot one it creates the impression in the public mind that the world is getting hotter. If they do a similar thing on other important days of the year after year the average person really starts to think the earth is getting hotter when in fact it isn’t. In fact, in 2019 the AFL played its first game ever where it snowed, I’m telling you it’s not getting hotter at all.

Check out this link with the first ever AFL game where it snowed:

I have been monitoring the weather for years and it does appear that the government selects specific key days to make it hotter than usual. Or to make crazy weather occur like excessive rain on key days. For example, prior to a big climate change protest held across Australia a few years ago, one that they let the kiddies skip school for, it seems that the government made it rain excessively in Sydney. Then when the protests occurred people kept repeating ‘we just had the biggest rains in 100 years, we must do something about the climate!’

The timing was perfect and it seems that for the Winter Olympics years ago they laid down a bunch of chemtrails and stopped it from snowing. Then all around the world, people heard the story that there wasn’t enough snow for the Olympics and it was too warm. Fantastic propaganda to trick the public into thinking the world is in a climate emergency.

Today when I got up and noticed it was hotter than usual and windy I thought ‘don’t tell me they are doing it again’. I checked the pressure and yes today is a low pressure system, which it always is whenever they mess with the weather. You see whenever they make it hotter than usual it tends to be a low pressure day. I think they are moving pockets of air around in the sky, pushing hotter air into areas it doesn’t naturally go, and this causes the higher temperatures, bigger winds and the low pressure system. That’s why you will find the hottest days these days are the windiest. In Melbourne we have barely had a 40 degree day in years, remember when we used to have like 3 every year?

Well not anymore in these global cooling days, so we barely get to 40 and on those days they are always windy. The wind also blows from a direction it usually doesn’t. They are probably pushing hot desert air towards the city or something like that. Back when I was a kid we would have hot days that were not windy. They were naturally occurring 40 degree days. But we don’t have them anymore because now our hot days are unnatural.

The government admits that climate change is causing windier days, thats true, we do have more windy days than in the past, but whose causing those windy days? You and your polluting car or them with weather control satellites which heat up pockets of air in the sky thus raising them and moving air around? Who is causing the climate change? Who is causing the perception of global warming when it isn’t actually happening? 

The AFL is full of global government propaganda, with the aborigines dancing, gay rainbow flags etc, we know this for sure, but is there more propaganda that people are not noticing as propaganda? Remember to get you to go along with the lefty climate laws, they need you thinking it’s getting hot.

Author Details
Andy Nolch is news minus the propaganda. He exposes communist propaganda in the mainstream media and seeks to stop the leftist cult which has taken over western civilisation from capturing your mind.
Andy Nolch is news minus the propaganda. He exposes communist propaganda in the mainstream media and seeks to stop the leftist cult which has taken over western civilisation from capturing your mind.
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