
The coronavirus pandemic has already destroyed many businesses and crippled national economies. One of the biggest casualties of the coronavirus lockdown has been climate star Greta Thunberg. Coronavirus has destroyed the Greta Inc climate business.

Let’s now have a look back at the incredible rise and fall of Greta Thunberg and climate change activists and globalists behind her.

Greta Thunberg’s Incredible Rise

I did my best to ignore Greta Thunberg ever since I was aware this Swedish teenager was being promoted as the new face of the climate change movement. I did not want to feed the phenomena. But then she got up before the United Nations in September in New York to deliver her disturbing and unhinged ‘how dare you’ speech.

It amazed me any politically savvy person left or right could believe that her scripted 4-minute speech full of hyperbole and emotive language was groundbreaking or moving. All of her claims about the effects of climate change were unreferenced and untrue.

Nevertheless, she was described as the voice of the next generation anxious about an uncertain future if climate change mitigation policies were not immediately introduced by governments all around the world.

We were told by the progressive left, climate activists and the media we weren’t allowed to criticize Greta because she was a child (though at 16 she is close an adult), not just that but we were attacking a girl with a disability since she has autism and Asperger’s syndrome. The left has always loved using children as human shields against criticism.

Greta was the face of the series of global student climate strikes the swept west last year including here in Australia. Students were encouraged to take the day off school to attend climate rallies, their fear from a climate apocalypse from what their teachers were feeding them led to children presenting to psychologists with eco-anxiety disorders.

These Greta led climate strikes were coupled with Extinction Rebellion’s global city disruptions where they superglued themselves to roads and intentionally caused as much disruption to traffic as possible. Many Extinction Rebellion members felt so uncertain about the future of the planet they made the choice never to have children.

Peak Gretamania took hold in December 2019 when Time Magazine named her their Person of the Year. As many of us pointed out, historically being named Person of the Year does not mean you are a force for good in the world.

Greta Blunders

But then the wheels began to fall off Greta Inc with a series of blunders that revealed this climate movement was not simply powered by a 16-year-old passionate schoolgirl but a carefully choreographed operation to sell climate change doom to the media, business and political leaders using the voice of the children as a psychological tool of manipulation.

It had become obvious through Greta stumbling through a Q&A at the United Nations that her speeches were written for her and rehearsed for emotional delivery by Greta.

A speech she delivered at a Friday for Future student climate rally in Italy in December last year was no different. Greta told the crowd ‘we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall’ if they fail to take action on climate change. A reference to an act of political violence and revolution.

Up against a wall speech

When Greta was criticised for using such provocative language she blamed the fact she was improvising in her second language and her words were an example of Swenglish. Which as was established above simply could have been the case.

German train trip

After her speech in Italy Greta traveled back to Sweden through Germany via train. She claimed the trains we so overcrowded that she had to sit on the floor and tweeted a photo of herself as proof.

The railway operator Deutsche Bahn replied that although they were pleased Greta was supporting rail transportation as a way to reduce carbon emissions, they wished Greta had thanked the team in their first-class carriage for the friendly service they provided for her.

Deutsche Bahn in a press release also confirmed Greta’s travel companions ‘were sitting in first class from Frankfurt onwards’. Their First Class passengers have access to more legroom in plush leather seats, free food and drink, as well as complimentary WiFi and newspapers.

We know from a tweet by Greta from January 2019 from a train journey in Demark that she enjoys a luxurious ride.

Greta’s Blessing

As 2020 kicked off it seemed that there couldn’t be a globalist planning conference or meeting without a speech by Greta. She took center stage at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland to again call for complete decarbonization.

After being visibly triggered when Donald Trump walked past her at the United Nations in New York, on this occasion Greta did not even utter Trump’s name even though they were in the same room again.

After her United Nations speech, Trump tweeted that “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!” Trump’s speech at Davos “This is not a time for pessimism,” Mr. Trump declared, adding, “Fear and doubt is not a good thought process.”

Trump did pledge some indirect action on climate change in planting one trillion trees. When Greta gave her speech she scolded such an initiative “We are not telling you to offset your emissions by just paying someone else to plant trees in places like Africa, while at the same time forests like the Amazon are being slaughtered at an infinitely higher rate”.

Greta’s blessing was not granted to the intranational European union, one of the globalist authorities most eager to please her. At the beginning of March, she was invited to address the European Parliament’s environment committee and the EU’s Council of environment ministers.

That same week the EU unveiled plans for its first-ever climate law, part of its Green Deal agenda, which would make it a legally bind the EU to be carbon neutral by 2050. Greta called it a “surrender”, a betrayal of Europe’s children and the EU was only “pretending” to fight climate change and not going as far she would like. Greta was at her bratty worst when she refused to shake hands (before it was discouraged) with European Parliament President David Maria Sassoli.

Greta Becomes Incorporated

Greta Inc became an official brand with a trademark application lodged for her name and Fridays for Future. Greta defended taking this action in an Instagram post as her name and movement are being “constantly being used for commercial purposes without any consent whatsoever” and fraudsters are attempting to “impersonate me or falsely claim that they “represent” me in order to communicate with high profile people”.

One of the first media ventures of the new Greta Inc era would be a BBC Studios produced documentary series chronicling Greta’s climate activism around the world. Given that the BBC is funded by TV license fees paid by British households this is basically a transfer of funds from British citizens to a foreign national to promote a globalist interest.

The Thunberg Family

In early March Greta, her mother, father, and sister published a book Our House is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis. But this book is about the family’s struggles growing up, rather than climate science. Greta’s mother Malena Ernman goes into detail about her troubled childhood with mental illness for which climate activism seemed to help mitigate.

When Greta was 11 “everything was starting to fall apart”. She was crying day and night, and “disappearing into some kind of darkness”. She stopped talking, and then stopped eating. In two months she lost 10kg. When “Greta has her first panic attack … She lets out an abysmal howl that lasts for over 40 minutes.”

But all of this changed when Greta watched a film about pollution, she was disgusted when fellow school children bragged about their holidays, she made her parents promise not to fly again. When Greta stated her “school strike for the climate” her father arranged the publicity that got the crowds and media attention. Then “The audience stands up. Shouting, applauding … And Greta is smiling the most beautiful smile I have ever seen her smile.”

While it is great that Greta as a person is now feeling mentally better, this is not reason enough to take what she says about climate change science and mitigation anymore than any other layperson.

Greta, of course, it should be noted does not come from a typical middle-class family. Her mother Malena Ernman is an opera singer, her father Svante Thunberg is a high profile actor.

We learned in January thanks to a Facebook bug that revealed which Facebook page admins were posting content for several hours that her father publicity work for Greta includes writing her Facebook posts.

Greta’s Facebook post that claimed Australia’s black summer of bushfires was due to climate change and higher average temperatures were revealed to be written by Svante. This made many wonder if Greta’s social media posts are written for her along with her speeches, is everything Greta says or does choreographed by her family and public relations team?

Coronavirus Busts the Climate Strikes

Once Coronavirus infections and deaths surged on the European continent in mid-march the hoards of school children attending her student strikes began to evaporate even before governments banned mass public gatherings. Greta tried to keep the student strikes going with virtual protests and strikes. But if schools are closed then is it really a student strike?

As with many first-world problems, social and culture war issues, including the “mass extinction” Greta screamed about from catastrophic irreversible man-made climate change, the coronavirus pandemic has pushed them out of people’s concerns and out of the media cycle.

“People are dying” in their tens of thousands not from climate change but coronavirus. The young are saying “You’ve stolen my childhood” not to world leaders but to this virus. A sense of doom has swept the world, but it’s not from the cause the prophet Greta predicted.

Greta Has Coronavirus

Greta has still managed to get herself into the news and the coronavirus pandemic. She told her Instagram followers she has developed coronavirus symptoms and is currently self-isolating with her father following their last trip to Central Europe. However, Greta has not got a coronavirus test instead she appears to be relying on self-diagnosis.

She might have coronavirus, or she might just have a winter cold, but she is definitely suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome. Greta may as well self isolate as she cannot even travel via her carbon-neutral yacht around the world for risk of spreading the coronavirus.

The containment measures and pandemic as a whole has been estimated to last around 6 months, though any type of prediction regarding the damage coronavirus will do is futile, not even the best medical and scientific experts know.

But one thing is sure, Greta Inc will be one of the commercial casualties of the coronavirus. But unlike other business closures, the end of Greta Inc will actually be good for the global economy and our standard of living in the long term. In fact a warmer climate right now some virologists tell us helps contain the spread of flu-like viruses.

The public will no longer be concerned about what might happen to the climate in 30 years’ time. They will demand never again will we allow a pandemic to almost destroy our way of life.

In future pandemic preparations, governments are likely to reverse energy policies that jeopardize the power supply since during pandemics, energy security is one of the paramount necessities. After this is over Greta Thunberg will just become another footnote in history.

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