ANTIFA Rioting Across London After UK Election
ANTIFA and other rent seekers have taken to rioting across London, picketing outside of 10 Downing street to declare their dissatisfaction with the UK election results.

Source image: Andy Ngo
‘Stand up to Racism’, ANTIFA and other rent seekers have taken to rioting across London, picketing outside of 10 Downing street to declare their dissatisfaction with the UK election results. There have been two arrests.
At the show of impotent rage they saw fit to entitle a ‘F*ck Boris Johnson’ protest, they marched up and down cursing everyone from the police to the silent majority working class who voted overwhelmingly to put Boris Johnson in office.
It seems that for the far left, democracy is only desirable when it yields the results that they want. Specifically, the election of candidates who will provide them with handouts at the expense of those who work for a living.
Eerily reminiscent of the ‘Not my President’ dummy spit in the USA, the hastag #notmyprimeminister has been pushed to prominence on the elitist far-left echo chamber that is Twitter. This has provided no shortage of entertaining whining from the disgruntled left who are used to getting their own way when they stamp their feet.
Far from the chaos of the rioting across London, let us not overlook the venom being spat at the working voters of Britain from the safety of Twitter. Clearly, when they cannot be manipulated into voting how the loony left want, the working class could go to hell as far as they are concerned. Here are a few choice dummyspits.

You get the idea. They hate you.
The far-left are on a relentless march to capture the mechanisms of state power for the benefit of revolutionary socialism. Make no mistake, they want what you have and would rather take it through force or coercion than work for it.
To quote the neckbearded vanguardians of communist revolution over at the Socialist Alternative rag redflag: “Waiting 5 years is not an option. And parliament is not where our power really lies anyway. We need the politics of struggle from below, and revolutionary, not parliamentary socialism.”. You mean you’re going to get off your arses and actually do some work? Colour me shocked.