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As followers of The Unshackled would know being a patriot activist in the current political climate you find yourself the target of various government authorities and can face criminal charges. The way our legal system is structured a court case drains a person of both time and financial resources.

A man who has become known as the patriot lawyer is John Bolton. He is representing Blair Cottrell in his challenge against his blasphemy conviction and Neil Erikson in his Milo clash trial.

He is retired from day to day legal practice so has taken on these legal cases out of his own personal political convictions, having a strong belief in freedom of speech and equality before the law.

He has previously represented other patriot activists Dan Evans and Nick Folkes. He is involved himself in political activism being a legal advisor to conservative lobby group Rite-On and a member of Freedom and Security Australia and Concerned Citizens of South Australia. He also organised the International Freedom of Speech Day in Lakemba, Sydney.

Links to John Bolton
Facebook Page
Security and Freedom Australia
Concerned Citizens of SA Inc

Court Cases
Neil Erikson and Co Milo Clash Trial Set for Next Year – TU
Blair Cottrell to Persevere With Blasphemy Conviction Appeal – TU

About The Author